Dynamic Portfolios

Applicable Products: Enforce® Enterprise

Here’s what’s new and what it means for you:

Dynamic Portfolios

Up until now, you were only able to create a portfolio and manually add the domains that suited your criteria for that portfolio.

This new portfolio type allows you to quickly create a portfolio of domains that match the criteria you select without having to manually add each domain. What’s even better is that dynamic portfolios will dynamically update when a domain changes and/or matches or no longer matches the criteria you selected.

For this version of dynamic portfolios, a domain only has to match one of the selected options in order to be added to the portfolio.

Categories for Dynamic Portfolios

You can create a dynamic portfolio by selecting the statuses in the 3 categories below.


  • Not Configured
  • Not at Enforcement
  • Blocked
  • Sending with Enforcement


  • Active
  • Blocked
  • Reporting Only


  • None
  • Quarantine
  • Reject

All Org Domains that meet the selected statuses will be included in your portfolio. As mentioned above, the portfolio will also add org domains dynamically if they match the criteria you have chosen in the future.

New Possibilities

The Dynamic Portfolio feature will offer you new and endless possibilities and options, like setting up a team that only has access to domains that aren’t configured, or to Reporting Only domains.

This way, you will be able to control and be sure that a certain group of people/team will only have visibility into a specific domain configuration type or status.

Note: If You cannot see the Portfolio feature on your account, please reach out to your Valimail Account Manager and they'll happily discuss options with you.

If you have any suggestions for our product team, head over to the account page and drop us a note. If you have a technical issue or question, please follow this link to submit a ticket.