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DKIM Key Compliance Report
Updated over a week ago

The DKIM Key Compliance Report serves as a comprehensive tool within Valimail's services, enabling users to monitor and maintain the health of their DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) records. This report provides valuable insights by tracking key aspects such as the overall status and effectiveness of DKIM records, the age of these records (based on the upload date in Valimail), and the key length in bits.

By offering a clear view of these critical factors, the DKIM Key Compliance Report empowers users to ensure the security and reliability of their email authentication, enhancing the integrity of their digital communications.

DKIM Key Health

The DKIM records that are more than two years old will lower the DKIM health score. We recommend rotating TXT and CNAME records at least once every two years. To rotate the DKIM records for Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace, please refer to this article. For help with rotating the DKIM records for other sending services, please reach out to the support of that service.

DKIM Key Health

DKIM Key Compliance Report

The report contains all the DKIM records uploaded in Valimail, and it consists of the domain or subdomain on which the DKIM record is published, the associated sending service, DKIM selector, length in bits, uploaded date, Type and the metadata for each key.

1. Sorting options, based on Domains, Senders, and the Uploaded Date.

2. Download the report to a CSV file.

3. The DKIM records information based on the domain or subdomain on which the key is published, the service the key is associated with, the DKIM selector name, length in bits (keys that are shorter than 2048 bits in length will be flagged here), the upload date, type of record (CNAME or TXT), Domain and Sender Owner.

4. Edit and Delete options. You can edit the Associated Service, Domain Owner, Sender Owner, and Comment or delete the DKIM key.

5. Create a DKIM Key. Publish a new DKIM record using this button.

Set Up Alerts for DKIM Key Compliance

There are 3 types of email alerts built into the DKIM Key Manager report:

1. Add/Delete DKIM Keys

2. DKIM Keys over 6 months

3. DKIM Keys over 2 years

Follow the steps below to configure the alerts:

1. Open the DKIM Key Manager report and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

2. Under the "Set UP Alerts for DKIM Key Compliance" section, click on the Add A DKIM Key Alert

set up alert


3. Click on Add A Custom Alert.

add a custom alert

4. Type your Email Address. and select the alerts that you want to configure.

5. Click on Add Custom Alert.

add custom alert

Share Feedback

We value your feedback on the DKIM Key Compliance report. Please share your thoughts with us using the Submit feedback button at the top of the page, or the Suggestions box at the bottom of the report.

submit your feedback


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