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How to set up DMARC for OVHCloud in Valimail

Updated over 7 months ago

This article covers the SPF and DKIM authentication processes for OVHCloud and how they are managed in Valimail. While only one of the two authentication methods is required for an email to pass DMARC, our recommendation is to configure both whenever possible.

Configuring DKIM authentication for your OVHCloud emails

The automatic configuration of DKIM is accessible for the email solutions Exchange and Email Pro.

By default, the DKIM is not activated when you add a domain name to your platform. You will need to launch the automatic configuration process via the OVHcloud Control Panel.

Click on the tab below corresponding to your solution.

  • Exchange

  • Email Pro

From your OVHcloud Control Panel, in the Web Cloud tab, click Microsoft, then Exchange. Click on the name of the Exchange service concerned. Finally, go to the Associated domains tab.

To the right of the domain name concerned, you can see that the DKIM box is gray.


To activate the DKIM, simply click on the gray DKIM box, then Confirm in the activation window that pops up.


For the domain name’s DNS zone to be automatically configured, it is necessary for it to be managed from the same OVHcloud customer account as your email platform. If you have a DNS zone managed from another OVHcloud customer account, or a domain name external to OVHcloud, you will need to enter the DNS records manually.

To do this, you can use the information in 3. Retrieve the DNS record in the Full DKIM configuration section, by following the chapter corresponding to your email solution, Exchange or Email Pro.

The automatic activation of the DKIM takes between 30 minutes and 24 hours. To check that your DKIM is functional, simply go back to the Associated domains tab of your email platform and make sure that the DKIM box has turned green.


After 24 hours, if your DKIM box is red, please refer to the section “Why does DKIM not work and appear in red in the OVHcloud Control Panel?” of this guide.

You can also find the instructions on how to set up DKIM and SPF for OVHCloud, here and here.

Add an OVHCloud DKIM key in Valimail

You can find more detailed information on how to add a DKIM key in Valimail, here:

Configuring SPF authentication for your OVHCloud emails

Once you establish that OVHCloud is an authorized sender for your domain, you will need to add the service in your Enabled Senders.

You will find more detailed information on how to add a service for your domain in Valimail, here:

Note: We encourage you to use the comment section for any useful information about your sending service, such as the name of the service owner, change request ticket numbers, etc.

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