Signing in to the Valimail Customer Portal
A Valimail PS engineer will share the Customer Portal link during the onboarding kickoff meeting.
1. Login using your email address
2. A verification code will be sent to your email address
3. Input the Verficiation code to complete the login process
Navigating the Portal
On the top left hand side you can access the different slides that are shared on the portal.
1. Onboarding Kickoff Presentation - This is going to be used during our Kickoff call and will remain available on the portal to reference in the future.
2. Pointing DNS Record - These will be the first steps that you need to take toward your DMARC enforcement journey
3. Onboarding Services Task - A collection of all detected third-party vendors sending on behalf of the domains you are onboarding. This will offer insight into the detected services like if they are configurable via SPF, DKIM, or both.
During the onboarding process, you will need to Authorize and configure these vendors to send in a DMARC-compliant manner.
4. FAQ - Most commonly frequently asked questions and answers.
Communicating via active tasks
You are able to communicate with your assigned PS engineer directly on active tasks via comments.
Once you open the task you have the option to add Comments, Documents, Video or URLs directly on the task.