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How to set up DMARC for Axxerion in Valimail

Updated over 8 months ago

This article covers the SPF and DKIM authentication processes for Axxerion and how they are managed in Valimail. While only one of the two authentication methods is required for an email to pass DMARC, our recommendation is to configure both whenever possible.

Configuring DKIM authentication for your Axxerion emails

  1. Within Workplace Management, navigate to the Setup through the menu on the left or the ‘Setup’ tile on the dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the tab “Email” and press on the icon for “Signing domains”.

  3. Click on “new”

  4. Fill in the following fields:
    - Domain name: the domain name for which the key applies (e.g. )
    - Active: if the DKIM record is active
    - DKIM selector: This is used by the receiving agent or client to retrieve the public key from the DKIM DNS text record, which has the name: <selector>._domainkey.<domainmame>
    It is possible to configure multiple domains using the same specific selector for the DKIM record.
    E.g. fill in ‘spacewell’ or ‘workplace-management’ so you can easily recognize that the DNS text record that you might request

  5. Click on the top right icon with the key to generate a private and public key

  6. If the private key was externally generated and is encrypted, fill in the password for this private key.

  7. Copy the PUBLIC key and share this with your IT department as they need to add this to their DNS. Make sure the DKIM setting is active once the record has been added to the DNS.

  8. Send a test email from Axxerion and validate that is signed correctly

You can also find the instructions on how to set up DKIM and SPF for Axxerion, here.

Add an Axxerion DKIM key in Valimail

You can find more detailed information on how to add a DKIM key in Valimail, here:

Configuring SPF authentication for your Axxerion emails

Once you establish that Axxerion is an authorized sender for your domain, you will need to add the service in your Enabled Senders.

You will find more detailed information on how to add a service for your domain in Valimail, here:

Note: We encourage you to use the comment section for any useful information about your sending service, such as the name of the service owner, change request ticket numbers, etc.

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