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Email Delivery Report

What is the Email Delivery Report

Updated over a week ago

Applies to - Enforce, Align, and Monitor

The Email Delivery Report is a feature available in Enforce, Align as well as to a lesser extent in Monitor. In February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo updated their sender guidelines to require email authentication with DMARC. Messages failing or missing authentication will be rejected. Learn more at Google's FAQ here. Valimail helps identify email-sending services that are at risk of being blocked by showing recent increments of email traffic sent by these services as well as their DMARC, SPF, and DKIM authentication results.

How to access the Email Delivery Report in Valimail

You can reach the Email delivery report by clicking on the Email Delivery Report section, located in the left side menu in Valimail Enforce/Align/Monitor:

Once on the page, you may filter the data on:

  • From Domain

  • SPF result

  • DKIM result

  • If the sender is an enabled sender or not

You may also sort the data shown in the table by name/number/date for:

  • Sender

  • DMARC result

  • SPF result

  • DKIM result

  • Email Volume

  • Last Report received

You may do so using the arrow buttons next to each mentioned table entry:

Please note that while the "Last report received" column is filtering based on the last report received, the date shown in the column is the last date an email was sent using that service. Because of the 24-hour delay in RUA report generation, we cannot show data for emails that have been sent in the last 24h

What type of information is shown in the Email Delivery Report and how should this information be used?

As the name suggests, the Delivery Report shows the authentication results of specific email increments sent by multiple senders. Each sender will have one entry in the table which can be expanded by clicking on the arrow button next to the sender:

The data will show the percentage of passed authentication for DMARC, SPF, and DKIM (aligned) as well as the authentication result for each upon expanding the sender. If multiple increments of traffic were sent they will be shown as multiple table entries upon expanding the sender. The status is determined by the pass rate percentage: 95-100% Passing, 51-94% Partially Passing and 0-50% Failing.

Please note that the delivery status of the shown traffic under the sender does not tell the whole story of the configuration for said sender. Email volume needs to be taken into account when diagnosing a sender configuration. We recommend using this information in conjunction with the Authentication Report to get a better picture of the configuration status of a sender.

It is also important to note that not all failing sending services need fixing. Unauthorized sending services should fail. We recommend filtering the data on "Enabled Senders" to look for potential issues with emails that were sent with already configured services.

This data should be used to identify potential issues with sender configuration. That being said, many vendors only support one form of aligned authentication. Because of this, we recommend searching for our sender configuration articles to see what a specific sender is compatible with in terms of aligned authentication.

In the example above, Amazon SES, while passing DMARC does so with aligned DKIM alone. While this sender can be configured for aligned SPF as well, this can only be done via a dedicated subdomain which is not always an option. In this scenario, no immediate action must be taken.

The meaning of each authentication result

This is a short list of what each authentication result means:

  • "Pass" - Emails have passed the specific authentication (aligned for SPF and DKIM)

  • "Aligned but failing SPF authentication" - Emails have the header FROM domain and Return-Path domain match but the standard SPF authentication fails (sender is not whitelisted for SPF)

  • "Non aligned SPF domain" - The header FROM domain and Return-Path domain do not match

  • "Aligned but failing DKIM authentication" - The authentication is using a DKIM key configured under your domain but the email is failing DKIM.

  • "No aligned DKIM signatures" - The emails are not DKIM signed with any key configured under your domain.

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