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Deliverability Advice Questions
Updated over a week ago

Valimail Support occasionally receives questions about advice on deliverability for specific marketing or general email tools.

Domains that are at DMARC enforcement are declaring that their legitimately sent email is properly authenticated. In many cases email deliverability is improved by being at DMARC enforcement.

That said, we do not offer deliverability advice other than recommending that your sending domains are enforcing DMARC with a policy of Quarantine or Reject.

Feedback from SNDS, Google Postmaster tools, and Yahoo postmaster tools about domain reputation are separate matters. If your mail is authenticating properly, and you’re at enforcement, then your domain is earning the reputation it deserves based on your sending practices. This means that only email you send counts for or against you, and you can work with individual senders or sending services to make sure they’re sending well on your behalf.

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